Habitual Habitat of the Amy

I kept reading advice columns for how to bring sales to your etsy shop, and one thing they all said is to get a blog.

I can't say this blog has boosted my etsy sales, but it has given me yet another outlet for talking about myself, and that can't be bad--can it?

The direct link to the Etsy shop is HERE

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Four Seasons Bracelet
It's Etsy Teams day here in Amyville.  I'm secretly a member of three different Etsy teams, and they all have their own attitudes and styles in life! The first team I joined (well, technically I joined two on the same day, and I don't remember which was first, so no one cares) was the Amys in the Arts team, which is full of people named Amy--or some variant thereof.

The Amys in the Arts are a pretty cool group, but as you might imagine, there's a rather limited number of us out there, even if you include 'Amiee' and 'Amie' and 'Aime' and so forth. They are a well-meaning and supportive bunch (as I would expect from people sharing my name), but there's just not enough of us for conversations to be very vibrant.

Although I could be mistaken about that, since I keep forgetting to visit the group.

My second group is the Etsy Beadweavers Team. This is a big team, full of crafters with a lot of talent. Talent which they like to share by discussing nothing other than their latest postings/bloggings/treasuries.  The challenges are pretty awesome, not gonna lie, but every time I go to one of their discussion pages, all the topics are 'I listed a new thing' and 'I made a new EBW treasury!' which makes me feel like I'm in the middle of a room full of shouting people who are just shouting over each other to be heard, and/or to collect the few compliments available.  I feel that there's a lot of people in the team, and some of them have rather extraordinary talents, and with that in mind I wish we'd talk about technique or...bead sales or whatever the hell people who bead talk about other than 'ZOMG LOOK WHAT I POSTED TODAY.'

The third team I've joined is the Aprils Army team, which is comprised of people from Regretsy, who like talking about themselves and others (in both good and bad ways). There are all sorts of topics and interesting conversational eddies, and I've spent more time there already than I have with both of my other teams combined since I joined them. Things might calm down as time goes on and the shininess of it all starts to wear off, but for now, this is pretty exciting.

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