Habitual Habitat of the Amy

I kept reading advice columns for how to bring sales to your etsy shop, and one thing they all said is to get a blog.

I can't say this blog has boosted my etsy sales, but it has given me yet another outlet for talking about myself, and that can't be bad--can it?

The direct link to the Etsy shop is HERE

Friday, February 4, 2011

Riddles and Secrets

Runic Bracelet on Etsy
I love both Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit, and I've read them both several times--something I rarely do, so it's a huge compliment.  At some point I worked out the entire alphabet used on the secret door on the Lonely Mountain, and then as part of the creation of my Lord of the Rings tapestry (which hasn't yet been featured here) I turned those runes into bead patterns.

This was one of the first ideas for a bracelet that I had, and I thought it was rather clever; the bracelet reads 'it's a secret' in runic, so if people ask "What's it say?" You can tell them "It's a secret" and have many hilarious dialogues over it. A conversation piece, one might say.

People on Etsy don't really seem to agree with me about how clever it is--or I assume that's true since it hasn't sold yet.

I keep meaning to make a custom runic bracelet listing and then forgetting to do so. I need a really good--but short--quote from the Hobbit to make it work properly, I think.  Or a quote from LotR, that'd work too.  But the books, and not the movie, since the movie seems to use a different runes alphabet--I don't know how that works, but there it is.

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