I've been making a bunch of things with flames recently--or maybe it was just this and one other thing that isn't up yet, but it's felt like a lot.
I've got mixed feelings about the colors on this one. I know they look great in the photo, but they fade a bit into the background on the actual bracelet--the dark red does, anyway. But my mom was able to identify it as being fire, so it must not be too bad.
And then, of course, there's the devil ducks. I must say I've never expected to get any use out of them, but yet here they are; selling things. Trying to, at any rate. Most of the things I'd like to use as props are too big for the bracelets, but apparently miniature devil ducks are the perfect size. Now I'll just have to work them into everything.
Of course, this picture is nice, too:
Gorgeous and the colors are outstanding!!!! I love it!